Companion Songs to the Fireside Catholic Youth Bible - NEXT
Contains songs that complement the session plans and help teens connect through music.
Fireside Catholic Youth Bible - NEXT Leaders Guide
An exciting new resource for Youth Ministers designed to use with the
Fireside Catholic Youth Bible - NEXT & the FCYB Music CDs
This unique combination of 42 one-hour session plans includes an Introduction to each of the Books of the Bible written especially for teens; a comprehensive 168-page scriptural resource for use in either your Youth Ministry Program or Religious Education classrooms.
Fireside Catholic Youth Bible - NEXT
Thought - provoking articles are presented in 8 comprehensive sections including:
Your Decision/Your Reward — What Does the Bible Say About — Roots of Our Faith — Saints Relate 1 on 1 with Christ — What Jesus Did — What Jesus Said — Putting My Faith into Action
also in included: Terms of the Mass; Basic Prayers and Practices of our Catholic faith
Available in hardcover or softcover
Topics are: Acceptance;
Anger; Choices; Courage; Culture; Discouragement; Faith; Guilt;
Intolerance; Love; Money; Peer Pressure; Prayer; Relationships; Respect;
Responsibility; Service; Sex; Temptation; Winning and Losing and